About This Show

A live verbatim album documenting everyday human experiences of lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic, in Britain and beyond. RashDash give voice to 18 people around the world – a mother in Milan, a professor in Britain , a student in China, a filmmaker in Kenya – sampling interviews and weaving text from transcripts into songs to shine a light on the personal and political, the anxieties, realisations, and moments of joy when we find ourselves confined to our own homes. The experience of living completely on your own and not seeing anyone for months, of trying to social distance while living in a crowded slum, of trusting your government, of despairing in your government, of what we dream about doing when we have freedom again and how we make the most of the world stopping for a moment.

A time to reflect on the past six months, and our place in the world, to a banging musical soundtrack.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: 21 October 2020 Final Performance: 24 October 2020


RashDash Company