“The Landlord’s Arms” is a goofy Guy Ritchie-esque gangster comedy set in London in the 1960s, about two incompetent mobsters attempting to extort money from an uncooperative pub landlord. “A Couple of Bank Robbers” is about a couple of bank robbers – or at least prospective bank robbers – preparing to rob a bank. Will their nerves, egos, and relationship troubles get in the way? “An Unexpected Reunion” is about how running into an old friend or acquaintance can be really awkward, especially if one of you is a debt collector for a loan shark, and the other owes money to said loan shark. “Happy Retirement” follows retired couple Mary and John as they decide to voyage from Florida to Cuba in 1969 in order to smuggle cigars and rum. The journey tests more than just their sailing prowess. “A Standoff Over Fifty Thousand Dollars” is a Western about three outlaws negotiating how to split the money after a semi-successful bank robbery.