“Fidelio” is the name assumed by Leonore, whose innocent husband Florestan has been imprisoned without trial by a corrupt political regime. Her risky two-year search for him has led to her disguising herself as a political agent, and infiltrating the prison where she believes him to be incarcerated Her fears are justified, and she even finds herself digging his grave, prior to summary execution. The moving love-story of their apparently doomed reconciliation reaches heights of joy when an unexpected amnesty leads to his release, and her pardon form impersonation.
In Summer 2019, Welsh National Opera addresses the issues of justice, freedom and human rights through a season of operas, debates, discussions, exhibitions and digital projects. At the heart of their FREEDOM Season are four semi-staged operas across three evenings in the Donald Gordon Theatre and one fully-staged opera in the Weston Studio.
Donald Gordon Theatre. Double bill with The Prisoner