About This Show

We live in a time of ‘endlings’ – the last individual of a species – caused by human actions. You may remember Lonesome George – the very last Pinta Island Tortoise, but do you remember Turgu, the last Polynesean Tree Snail? He died in a plastic box and his grave marker read “1.5 million years BC to January 1996”. Turgi was just one example of thousands of species that have become extinct in recent history. . In this quirky, humourous, physical performance, Strange Futures ask some difficult questions, without blaming. How can we stop viewing ourselves as separate from the rest of the living world? As the wonderful and varied species on the earth diminish, are we not diminished too? Our experience, understanding, even our language may also disintegrate and fade away in a kind of planetary dementia.

The Endling is part of #SeasonForChange, a UK wide season of arts activities raising the profile of climate issues ahead of the November Climate Change Conference COP26. For further details see https://www.seasonforchange.org.uk/events

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: 20 April 2022

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