
How Much Do You Value the Arts???

In the week since launching, a new campaign to harness public support for the arts has gathered more than 5,000 email addresses. I Value the Arts, led by the National Campaign for the Arts (NCA), aims to demonstrate that the arts perform a vital public service and thus deserve to be protected from the worst of the forthcoming government cuts. Industry bodies that have lined up to support the campaign include the Society of London Theatre (SOLT), the Theatrical Management Association (TMA), Visual Arts and Galleries Association, the Association of British Orchestras and Equity and Audiences UK. The campaign is also gathering pace on Twitter, with many users including the I Value the Arts logo in their profile picture as a badge of their support.

The campaign asks anyone who values the arts to register their details on a new website – ivaluethearts.org.uk – which will update them on plans that could affect the arts nationally and in their local area. Louise de Winter, Director of the NCA, commented: “At a time of recession, more and more people are turning to the arts and culture. Reduced opportunities to take part in the arts could have a major impact on the quality of people’s lives and the vibrancy of their communities.” De Winter hopes that the campaign “will gain public momentum and snowball throughout the UK”. Have you registered yet?