About This Show

A deadly conflict between the reigning Queen of England, Elizabeth I, and her rival for the throne, Mary Queen of Scots. Donizetti’s highly dramatic and stirring music accompanies the vocal fireworks that spark between these two strong-willed women culminating in the royal conflagration that never really happened. In the end we go with Mary to the block as she faces her final judgement at the hands of Elizabeth.

Donizetti’s powerful melodies will be performed in a new orchestration by Paul McKenzie for six singers, accompanied by piano, clarinet and violin. Mary, Queen of Scots will tour as a fully-staged production to unique and evocative venues across the UK, some with direct links to the two Queens. Discover a new angle on one of the most popular periods of British history through this thrilling production.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: 18 November 2019 Final Performance: 19 November 2019