About This Show

Oliver A modern Twist is a modern spin on Oliver Twist. Everyone remembers Charles Dickens’ classic but can you imagine how life would be if Oliver came to London today. Whilst the story line and the characters names are the same, the production shows an insight into current society. Similar to Dickens’ classic, the performance displays violence and crime whilst keeping the environment very friendly and fun with a great deal of comedy, music and action. The play is flooded with comedy and drama and has developed all our favourite characters from the original. Characters like Fagin, Bill Sykes and Dodger like you have never seen them before. This play explores everything that is relevant in London in 2019. Slang, music, banter and so much more. Memorable songs like ‘Reviewing The Situation’ and ‘Food Glorious Food’ have been developed exploring varies modern genres of music. However the rollercoaster like story line is what really steals the show; taking your emotions on extreme ride. Oliver Twist like you’ve never seen it!

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: 31 January 2019

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