About This Show

Jericho is about professional wrestling. There’s a good reason, trust us. It isn’t just about wrestling, the play itself wrestles with big questions. Is this the best time in all of history to be alive? Is this the best time to be alive? Does the universe have an arc? Is it naive to think that arc bends towards justice? Does it matter if Trump means the things he says? If you’re a young journalist writing fluff pieces about pop-cultural phenomena while the world burns down, would it be more ethical to quit and starve instead? Even if it’s ethical, is it effectual? Jericho is a show about the world we live in, and have always lived in, and always will live in. It’s about bad things happening that a lot of people think are good things (and vice versa). It’s also about wrestling, journalism, and treating entertainment like it’s politics (and vice versa).

Devised by Claire O’Reilly, Maeve O’Mahony, Dylan Coburn Gray

Part of the Vaults Festival

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: 06 February 2019 Final Performance: 10 February 2019