About This Show

One Mother’s Love – One Last Request – One Apple Pie Imagine someone you love does something unspeakable. This is a play about the mother of a monster. And the tenacious nature of love. And how to make a really good apple pie. Miriam’s son committed an horrendous crime. It was violent. It was terrifying. Caught, tried and convicted, he has been sitting on death row for twenty-two years. In seven hours the state will execute him. As is the tradition, he is granted a last meal. His request: a slice of his mother’s apple pie. This one-woman play is a story of a mother surviving, torn between her love for her son and the dark reality of his actions, grappling to make sense of her life. To witness Apples in Winter is to journey deep into the heart of barely resolvable questions about justice, forgiveness and what it is to try to love unconditionally. It is to hear the voices of the silent victims of violence. A survey of the final testimonies of executed prisoners in Texas analysed their words and phrases. The most frequently used word? Love. Apples in Winter is a story of a mother surviving, torn between the love for her son and the dark reality of his actions, grappling to make sense of her life.

European Premiere.

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 15min (0 intermissions)
Dates: Opening Night: 05 October 2022 Final Performance: 15 October 2022