About This Show

Rescued near the North Pole, a dying Victor Frankenstein tells a British explorer Captain Robert Walton, an incredible tale of his cursed life. The eldest son of a wealthy Swiss family, Frankenstein is sent to University in Ingolstadt, where his brilliance and thirst for knowledge are soon clear to all. He develops an obsessive quest to create life and bestow it on an inanimate being, which he has constructed from the corpses of many experiments; something which horrifies even himself. When he succeeds in animating his creature, he is appalled by what he’s done and hides from him; the creature disappears, only gradually does it become apparent that in creating this being, then rejecting him, Frankenstein has brought about the doom of all those who are dear to him.

Show Details

Running Time: 2hr 20min (0 intermissions)
Dates: Opening Night: 09 March 2018 Final Performance: 14 April 2018


Harry Attwell The Creature
Ryan Gage Captain Walton
Esther McAuley Justine/Prof Krempe/Agatha/Kirwin
Gerard McDermott Father/Old Man/Lieutenant
Shanaya Rafaat Elizabeth/Safie
Colin Ryan Henry Clerval/Felix/Prosecutor
Nicola Sloane Mother/Prof Waldman/Witness
Shane Zaza Victor Frankenstein