About This Show

Max is 19 years old, has dirty blonde hair and is built like a rugby player. He has an intense love of ABBA, Motown, Pringles and Frubes. Josh is 15 years old and he’s super clever, loving puzzles, gadgets and trains. You’ll find him copying yoga videos on YouTube in the front room. They’re my brothers and they’re both non-verbal autistic, which means they can’t, or perhaps won’t, talk. Just over a decade ago, the government launched the Autism Act to improve understanding of autism across public services and to change public perception. Ten years on, 71% of autistic adults still report a lack of support across the board. Jigsaw is an autobiographical examination of this disparity from inside a family supporting two severely autistic boys. Intertwined with music and video, it aims to explore the reality of autism as a disability whilst celebrating everything that makes Max and Josh brilliant and unique.

Part of the International Youth Arts Festival

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: 06 July 2021
