About This Show

Since he was a boy, Dom has been receiving messages from the Traveller, a mysterious voice, at the edge of time. Join him for an experiment in Harmonic Time Theory to prove, once and for all, that time travel is real. Jump into a world of analogue synths, cassette tapes, live looping, epic storytelling and roaring songs to raise a rallying cry for our times, a lucid lens to look at our world, wake up and change the course of time. Storytelling and gig combine in this contemporary sci-fi fairy tale inspired by H.G Wells’ 1895 novella The Time Machine. In his first solo piece, musician and theatre-maker Dom takes us on a joyous journey through time with a wakeup call to stop our chaotic present becoming a dystopian future.

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 0min (0 intermissions)
Dates: Opening Night: 18 October 2018 Final Performance: 20 October 2018