Night on Boob Mountain is a surreal and raucous horror gig-theatre show set on the island of Teendom. Olive, Jamie, and Nora, all newly 13-years-old, wash up on an island, raring for an adventure… but what appeared as a place of innocent self-discovery descends into a savage battle across the treacherous wasteland. Teendom is not as glamorous as they thought it would be. It’s sticky, it’s sweaty and the boys are disappointingly weedy. Worse than that, they learn that the island is governed by a demonic spirit “Puberty” who infiltrates their behaviour and sabotages their friendships. Will these teens sell their souls and destroy one another in an epic showdown? Or will they join forces and battle through the wastelands of Teendom together? Four teens. One island. Lots of WKD. It’s all to play for.