From the creator of West-End smash hit Thriller Live!, directed by Racky Plews (Footloose, American Idiot) and with script by Tiffany King, Respect: The Aretha Franklin Songbook will take you on an uplifting musical journey. Aretha’s incredible story is told in the form of a powerful gospel sermon and features lead vocals from Stacy Francis, Cleopatra Higgins, Tanya Edwards and Cleo Stewart, accompanied by a fantastic live band and gospel choir.
The two-hour production directed by Racky Plews (Footloose, American Idiot) will take you on an uplifting musical journey as a powerful sermon is delivered throughout celebrating Aretha Franklin’s life and greatest hits including Think, I Say A Little Prayer, Son Of A Preacher Man, Bridge Over Troubled Water, Natural Woman and many more!