About This Show

Through the chronicles of history, people have gazed up and marvelled at the mysteries of the weather. Generations have tried to master the elements, and understand the magic of the skies. Hayley’s sunny, beloved dad was the nation’s favourite weatherman. He could make a typhoon sound like a tickle. Hayley is now following in his footsteps, to join the ranks of the forecasting fraternity. Or at least, local shoestring teatime telly. When the pressure drops and dark clouds gather, Hayley is melting faster than a lonely snowflake. She’s seen the future’s forecast, but will anyone listen? Bring your anorak and your factor 50. Well, you never know.

Mikron Theatre tour on a narrowboat.

Show Details

Running Time: 2hr 15min (0 intermissions)
Dates: One Night Only: 13 October 2022
Location: Square Chapel Arts Centre, Halifax

10 Square Road,



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