About This Show

A story of good versus evil, kindness versus greed, and a goose with Tourettes! A nasty, horrible Demon is convinced he can corrupt anyone in the local village, but a good Fairy he encounters believes there is one who is too kind, too honest, and too pure to succumb to his evil games. A wager is made and the scene is set. Will the Demon win and claim his prize? Or will the Fairy be right about Mother Goose and not have a painful forfeit? Meanwhile, down on her farm, the kind and lovely Mother Goose is struggling to make ends meet. Her youngest and silly son Little Willy is fed up with shoveling goose mess all day long! His older and wiser brother Billy is trying to save enough money so he can propose to the love of his life, the squire’s daughter, Kate. However, the Squire does not want his daughter to marry into such a poor family that can’t even pay the rent. Will Mother Goose be able to resist temptation? Or will the Demon be proved correct?

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: 18 September 2022
