About This Show

Since the dawn of time, human beings have gazed up at the night sky and wondered… What’s up there? How far does it go? Does it ever end? Well, wonder no longer! All these questions and more will be answered in Universarama! (Possibly). Let Professor Johnson of the Squashbox Theatre Astounding And Amazing Astronomical Research Society (S.T.A.A.A.A.R.S) take you on a journey to the edges of space and time! Along the way we will explore the solar system, study the stars and constellations, visit distant galaxies, and hear the fascinating story of John Couch Adams, the Cornishman who discovered Neptune. Using only silly puppets, ridiculous and unnecessary props, simple household objects and assorted fruits and vegetables, Professor Johnson will reveal the secrets of the universe!

Age 8+

Corn Exchange

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: 30 May 2019


Squashbox Company