About This Show

The play follows the adventures of Rene, the hapless cafe owner in worn-torn occupied France, as he and his wife, Edith, struggle to keep for themselves a priceless portrait stolen by the Nazis and kept in a sausage in the cellar. Rene is hiding two British airmen and is endeavouring, with the help of the Resistance, to repatriate them. However, communications with London through a wireless set disguised as a cockatoo add to the many embarrassments he endures in the company of his patrons. Matters come to a head when news breaks that the Fuhrer is planning to visit the town! Rene needs all the wit he can muster to save his cafe and his life. Come and re-live the TV series, the knockwurst sausages, the fallen Madonna’s and the classic phases such as “Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once”!

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: 18 June 2022
