The show is to be led by Gabriel Vick (Avenue Q) as Daniel Hillard, with Cameron Blakely (The Addams Family) as Frank Hillard, Marcus Collins (The X Factor) as Andre, Carla Dizon-Hernandez (Matilda) as Lydia Hallard and Ian Talbot (Hairspray) as Mr Jolly.
Further cast include Joshua Dever, Samuel Wilson-Freeman, Maria Garrett, Kiera Haynes, Adam Lyons, Lisa Mathieson, Ellie Mitchell, Matt Overfield, Tom Scanlon, Vicki Lee Taylor and Rebecca Donnelly, Amy Everett and Paulo Teixeira.
The roles of Miranda Hillard, Stuart Dunmire, Janet Lundy, Wanda Sellner and the full cast are to be announced at a later date.