The musical, Jekyll and Hyde, featuring Marti Pellow in the title role and courtesy of Bill Kenwright, received it’s launch today prior to the show opening at the Palace Theatre in March.
Pellow has outgrown his pop image as a member of Wet, Wet, Wet, and, since 2002 has starred in musicals in the West End and Broadway.
He enthused about his new role. “I like the balance between good guy and bad guy,” he said.
“Dr Jekyll thinks he can rid the world of evil. This makes him blinkered.” The former wets star clearly enjoys this stage work. He said: “Performing is a passion within you. When I was growing up I thought everyone sang. I love to sing.”
He then revealed a secret. He would like to write a musical himself and, why not since he is already an accomplished song writer? “Musical theatre has been a blessing for me. It is a great idiom.”
Sarah Earnshaw and Sabrina Carter will play the dual character’s love interests – Emma, Dr Jekyll’s respectable fiancée and Lucy, the prostitute friend of Dr Hyde. They sang “In His Eyes”, which is all about love, one of many great songs composed by Frank Wildhorn.
If this is a taster of what is to come, then I can’t wait to see the show.
– Julia Taylor