Following its recent production of A Christmas Carol at the Arts Theatre, Tiny Tim Productions will return to the West End next Christmas when Susie McKenna and Steven Edis join forces again on a musical adaptation of Puss in Boots, which runs from 17 November 2010 to 9 January 2011.
As with A Christmas Carol, Puss in Boots will again see the venue receiving a festive makeover. According to promotional material: “Once again, audiences will enjoy a Christmas themed experience at the Arts and fun, festive entertainment to be enjoyed by the whole family.”
Writer/director Susie McKenna is well known for her award-winning pantomimes previously staged at the Hackney Empire. Steve Edis has composed music for many productions at the National Theatre, including The Royal Hunt of the Sun, The Coast of Utopia, The Relapse, Summerfolk, An Enemy of the People and Not About Nightingales. Casting is still to be announced.