The Rocky Horror Show

rocky h4

Malvern Theatres|Stephen Webb ,Lauren Chia ,Connor Carson ,Job Greuter ,Natasha Hoeberigs ,Joyme-Lee Zanoncelli ,Morgan Jackson ,Edward Bullingham ,Ryan Carter-Wilson ,Arthur Janes ,Hollie Nelson ,Erica Wild ,Alex Hetherington ,Stacey Monahan |Christopher Luscombe,Hugh Durrant,Sue Blane,Nathan M Wright,Nick Richings,Gareth Owen,Richard Hartley (original musical arrangements),Greg Arrowsmith (music supervisor),Christopher Porter (associate costume designer),Darren Ware (wigs and make-up supervisor),Russell Godwin (associate […]

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Birdsong 4

Malvern Theatres|Max Bowden|Original Theatre,JAS Theatricals (in association with Birdsong Productions and Wiltshire Creative),Alastair Whatley,Richard Kent,Jason Taylor,Dominic Bilkey,Ellie Collyer-Bristow (CDG – casting) […]

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Party Games!

WOS party games

Malvern Theatres|Matthew Cottle ,Debra Stephenson ,Natalie Dunne ,Krissi Bohn ,Jason Callender ,Ryan Early,William Oxborrow |Joanna Read,Francis O’Connor,Chris Davey […]

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