
Anna (Edinburgh Fringe)

Badac’s new piece at Summerhall follows the life, work and assassination of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya

If rawness, anger and raging righteousness were all, this noisy blast of a show in the Summerhall venue would be top of the fringe heap. The actors in Steve Lambert’s Badac company have a lot to scream about: the still unsolved murder seven years ago in her own lift of the campaigning Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya.

An audience of 40 descends in groups in the lift, emerging in a long, white-walled corridor, ranged on either side of it, facing each other while the actors dash up and down the thinnest of strips.

Chief among them, Marnie Baxter as Anna is fit to burst from start to finish, prowling the corridor like a feral beast, eyes ablaze, shoulders hunched, voice a permanent scowl of fearless critical outrage over not just the war, but a specific, inexhaustible list of war crimes, atrocities and human rights violations.

At either end of the corridor, there’s a grieving mother (Saskia Schuck) and an intemperate, threatening, foul-mouthed abusive politician – “Our Glorious Leader” (Steve Lambert) – who is a combination of political thug and military general in camouflage fatigues.

More mobile in the corridor are Nathan Thompson’s Investigator and Joe Gooch’s disturbingly wound-up Cadet. It’s a punishing, ear-splitting hour down there, but intensely moving and disturbing. After the crack of the gunshots in the lift, we file out after Anna, into the same lift again, no sign of her body, shaken and silent.

Anna continues at Summerhall until 25 August (not 12)