
The Fringe Diet

One of the best things about coming to Edinburgh every year is the massive health benefits that accrue from The Fringe Diet.

The Fringe Diet is based on the idea that what was good for you aged 19 is even better for you at… well, a greater age, especially if you commit to it fully. When I was a fancy free teen at Polytechnic (look it up, young people) I’d drink beer most days and exist almost entirely on toast, chips and occasional posher takeaways. With this intake I was two stone lighter than I am today.

Now that I’m a proper grown-up with the wages of a regular job I can afford, for the fortnight that I’m at The Fringe anyway, to take this to its logical conclusion, moving on from toast at breakfast time to chips for lunch and then, if at all possible, at least one curry a day, washed down by hourly stops for a cheeky pint. By following this plan I’ve always gone home lighter than I arrived.

Some people have suggested this may be due to all the stomping around, up hills, over bridges and down into the Grassmarket. There certainly has been a lot of that around this year – our flat’s in Tollcross and the venue’s on the other side of Princess Street, so we’ve got at least an hour’s walking just to do the show, plus seeing other stuff and the ever present admin duties.

It would be easy – short sighted, even – to see this as the only reason for the weight loss, but I believe science will prove me right. All it needs is a bit more data… which means a lot more curries.